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Kallithea Admin (logiqub) - 5 years ago 2019-08-25 16:19:52
README install linux/raspbian
1 file changed with 57 insertions and 6 deletions:
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@@ -27,11 +27,58 @@ Supported systems and architectures:
* Raspbian - ARMv7 (beta)
* Java - JVM (alpha)

## Linux (Debian, Raspbian)

### 1) Binary

Debian packages for the logiqub are not available for the moment.
You can download a prebuilt binary <a href="">here</a>.
For graphical apps get the SDL2 libraries for Debian:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install libsdl2-2.0
    sudo apt-get install libsdl2-image-2.0
    sudo apt-get install libsdl2-tff-2.0
    sudo apt-get install libsdl2-mixer-2.0

### 2) Source

In the following code, change "linux" to "raspbian" for the Raspberry Pi.

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install binutils
    sudo apt-get install gdb        # optional
    sudo apt-get install make
    sudo apt-get install mercurial

    cd $HOME                        # if you wish to install there
    hg clone

    cd logiqub/system/linux
    make                            # release build
    make debug                      # debug build (symbols for gdb)
    make lib                        # library build

To install:

    ln -s $HOME/logiqub/system/linux/logiqub $HOME/bin/logiqub
    ln -s $HOME/logiqub/system/linux/ $HOME/bin/

To test:

    cd $HOME/logiqub/demo
    logiqub ascii.qub

    cd tetris                       # SDL2
    logiqub main.qub

## Windows

### 1) Binary

You can download a prebuilt binary here: <a href=""></a>.
You can download a prebuilt binary <a href="">here</a>.

For graphical apps get the 32-bit <a href="">SDL2 libraries</a> for Windows.

### 2) Source

@@ -40,6 +87,7 @@ You can also compile the logiqub executa
Install Mininal GNU for Windows: <a href="">MinGW</a>.
Open a terminal.

    pacman -Syu                   # optional, update system
    pacman -S binutils
    pacman -S gdb                 # optional, to debug the virtual machine
    pacman -S ansicon
@@ -54,16 +102,18 @@ Open a terminal.
    make                          # release build
    make debug                    # debug build (symbols for gdb)


To properly install the executable, you should add it to your PATH environment
variable. You can also create a logiqub.rc file with aliases and some paths.

    alias run="ansixon_x86 winpty logiqub"
    alias debug="ansixon_x86 winpty gdb --args logiqub"
    alias run="ansicon_x86 winpty logiqub"
    alias debug="ansicon_x86 winpty gdb --args logiqub"
    export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/logiqub/system/windows
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/mingw32/i686-w64-mingw32/lib"

Make sure to "source logiqub.rc" in your .bashrc file to make the aliases
available, or do it manually.
available, or do it manually when you need.


If you wish to use SDL2 applications, get the library and at least the image addon:

@@ -72,12 +122,13 @@ If you wish to use SDL2 applications, ge
    pacman -S mingw32/mingw-w64-i686-SDL2_mixer
    pacman -S mingw32/mingw-w64-i686-SDL2_ttf

Verify installation

Verify installation.

    cd $HOME/logiqub/demo
    run ascii.qub

    cd tetris
    cd tetris                       # SDL2
    run main.qub

# Execution
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